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Body Remembers Trauma Therapy (BRTT®)

Trauma Release Breathwork (TRB®)

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Would you like to guide others on their journey?

Inner-Journey Trauma Release & Breathwork 3-Day Training

Gain the skills you need to lead transformative workshops.
Learn how to release trauma using Trauma Release, Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy, meditation, various breathwork techniques, and other tools.

Trauma Release & Breathwork is one of the safest and most effective ways to explore the body, mind, emotions, and spirit.

Sometimes you just need to take a leap of faith… only to discover you can fly!

We’ve all felt lost at some point—whether from heartbreak, a traumatic experience, loss, divorce…

This is often accompanied by physical complaints, such as depression and migraines, sleep disorders, addictions, or unexplained pain in the body. Give yourself and others a new life. Dare to unlock the key to your soul or offer it to someone else and experience inner freedom and physical health together.

The deep inner journey you undertake with Trauma Release Breathwork & Trauma Release has proven for many to be the key that opens the gateway to the soul. It is a powerful method to let go, gain insights, awaken, heal, and become your true self.

An inner journey can provide insight into spiritual development, awareness, personal growth, healing of trauma, and life questions, helping you reconnect with yourself. No one else can offer you the wisdom that resides within you! Unconscious knowledge is liberated and made available, bringing you into contact with emotions, life lessons, the future, and the past.

Even intense traumatic experiences can be processed. After a traumatic event, you may frequently feel overwhelmed by emotions, fears, have trouble sleeping, or find it difficult to talk about what happened. Together with our guidance, you can process the experience and find peace. Because let’s be honest… doesn’t everyone deserve that?

A Path to Healing

Everyone carries emotional, physical, or mental burdens. We may ignore these for a time, but eventually, unresolved pain can lead to burnout, depression, or illness.

Our bodies are the guardians of our truth. Physical or mental symptoms often compel us to confront that truth. The body holds a complete memory of our experiences. If you suppress emotions, they will one day erupt, bringing fear, anger, sadness, resentment, or even physical and mental illness.

Breathing: The bridge between the conscious and subconscious.

Inner-Journey Body Remembers Trauma Therapy (BRTT®) & Trauma Release & Breathwork (TRB®) are designed to break through layers of physical tension, releasing mental, emotional, and physiological stress. This opens the door to joy, self-love, and deep relaxation.

By unlocking the tight tissues of the body, we restore vitality and clear pathways for energy to flow freel

Theory and Practical Experience

This training teaches you how to use breathwork as a tool in your practice. You’ll gain techniques and a comprehensive manual with course material. Over three days, you’ll receive in-depth theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience. The goal is to equip you to guide breathwork sessions safely and responsibly.

What You Will Learn:

  • Body Remembers Trauma Therapy (BRTT®)
  • Trauma Release Breathwork (TRB®)
  • Myofascial Trigger Point techniques
  • Understanding the power of breath on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels
  • Holistic analysis of breathing patterns
  • Safe and effective guidance techniques
  • A variety of breathwork methods
  • How to conduct and receive breathwork sessions

Topics Covered:

  • Principles of body-oriented trauma therapy
  • Understanding trauma and how it is stored in the body
  • Trauma and memory
  • Pre-, Perinatal-, and Postnatal Trauma
  • Early childhood trauma
  • (Complex) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Symbiosis Trauma
  • Dissociation vs. Ocular Trauma
  • The nervous system
  • The psoas muscle
  • The vagus nerve
  • Basics of Polyvagal Theory
  • Completing interrupted Fight/Flight or Freeze responses
  • 7 Belts of Tension
  • Understanding fascia
  • Therapeutic use of sound, music, movement, and meditation
  • Guided meditation for integration
  • Ethics for practitioners
  • Contraindications for sessions

Upon Completion of the Training:

  • You’ll be ready to work as a body-oriented breath coach.
  • Master a proven breakthrough method.
  • Strengthen your connection with your own body.
  • Feel noticeably more relaxed, lighter, and unburdened.
  • Help yourself and others heal from trauma.
  • Offer exclusive sessions and enhance your professional value.

Certification Included!
After completion, you’ll receive a certificate authorizing you to co-lead breathwork sessions at Inner-Journey.

Who Is This Training For?

This 3-day training is ideal for therapists, trainers, yoga instructors, psychologists, doctors, bodyworkers, and breath coaches who want to incorporate breathwork into their practice with a holistic approach.

It is also open to anyone without a professional background, especially if you want to boost your personal growth in a short time. The tools you’ll receive support self-healing and transformation.

This training offers a profound shift in your life. Be prepared to explore deep personal layers during the process.

Price: €1,495 (includes training, materials, certificate, meals, and drinks).
Payment Plans: Available in 6 or 9 monthly installments.
Location: Hilversum
Times: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Upcoming Dates:

Juni 9-10-11

Reservations can be made here

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